Author Archives for Writer

Don’t Flush Spring Cleaning Down the Toilet!

February 11, 2019 4:41 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Spring is almost here! There’s nothing more joyful than the first signs of blue sky, shining sun and new leaves sprouting on once-bare trees after a long, cold winter. This is the perfect time to brighten up your home with a good spring cleaning! While washing things down the drain of the sink or tub usually seems like the easiest way to dispose of liquid waste, all of those cleaning chemicals could be detrimental to the health of your septic tank. The septic tank uses bacteria to break down all the waste that comes in. Dumping cleaning products and chemicals... View Article

How to Check if Your Toilet Tank Is Leaking

January 2, 2019 9:47 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Did you know that roughly 12 percent of water use in American homes is the direct result of leakage? Not only are water leaks expensive, they’re also bad for the environment. Additionally, water leaks could be causing hardware in your home to degrade prematurely, or even affect the integrity of your home’s foundation. If you are experiencing a leaky toilet in your home, it’s advisable to call for the assistance of a plumber right away. Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy to determine whether your toilet is leaking or not. Some toilets may leak silently, costing you money and potentially damaging... View Article

Why Does My System Back Up When It Rains?

December 19, 2018 9:47 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Texas is seeing a number of increasingly strong weather events, particularly in the greater Houston area. Rainy season weather events can cause damage to your home and property in a number of ways. Most notably, perhaps, they can affect the way that your septic system operates. During rainy weather, the drain field that handles your septic runoff may become oversaturated with moisture, meaning that the water flowing out of your home’s septic system has nowhere to go. When the water can’t drain from your home’s system effectively, this leaves it nowhere to go but back up the pipes and into... View Article

How to Diagnose Issues with Your Septic Tank

December 13, 2018 11:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you have an issue with a tech device, you turn it off and on again. If you have problems with your car, you consult a mechanic. What should you do if you have issues with your septic tank? To diagnose the issue and restore your system to optimal operation, use the following guide. These steps will help you determine the problem and get your system up and running again. Know Your System The first step in diagnosing septic tank problems is to know your system. You should be familiar with the design, the location of the tank and the... View Article

Benefits of Enzymes for Septic System Maintenance in Cleveland, TX

November 29, 2018 11:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Properly maintaining your septic system is essential for smooth operation. A lack of septic system maintenance in Cleveland, TX will lead to backups, clogs, low flow and system damage. This leads to inconvenience, property damage and extensive repairs. To avoid going down this road, a good method is to use enzymes for septic system maintenance in Conroe, TX. Why is this such a good idea? Enzymes offer several benefits for your system. Here’s the scoop. What Enzymes Do Your septic tank needs enzymes to break down the solids in your system. This natural process should occur through normal use of... View Article

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